Welcome to the TassDB2

TassDB2 contains data about GY(N)0-10GYN donors and NAG(N)0-10AG acceptors in human and mouse, where the distance between the tandem splice sites ranges from 2 to 12. It stores information about 1,329,181 splice sites, 14,312 of which are supported by EST/mRNA evidence.

Nomenclature for the splice sites and transcripts

Tandem alternative splicing using the intron-proximal site (E acceptor / e donor - the distal part of the tandem becomes EXONIC) results in the E/e transcript, whereas splicing using the intron-distal site (I acceptor / i donor - as the entire tandem becomes INTRONIC) in the I/i transcript. For an illustration of these effects move your mouse over the transcript names in the picture below.
e transcripts
e transcripts
E transcripts E transcripts
i transcripts
i transcripts
I transcripts I transcripts

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